Mar 08

Celebrating International Women's Day

We're honoring International Women's Day with some of our favorite quotes from inspiring women! Check out our latest blog post.

Celebrating International Women's Day
Each year, March 8th marks International Women's Day, an annual observance of women - after all, we do make up roughly half of the world's population! It's important to take a moment to recognize the cultural obstacles and social barriers that women around the world face daily. Last year, people around the world called for gender balance, to value women and men's contributions equally, to support women and girls' ambitions, and forge gender parity.
The World Economic Forum predicts the gender gap won't close entirely until 2186.
Recognizing International Women's Day and making your voice heard can help drive change faster. However you celebrate this day, remember women deserve nothing less than equality in every way, so let's help each other get there! Here are some of our favorite quotes from inspiring women.



Happy International Women's Day to all the ladies out there! Who is your favorite female role model? Share in the comments.